Monday, April 11, 2011

1. Upload your slideshow as a movie to your blog posting. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format. If it is still too big, re-export in a smaller format. You may also choose to upload it to YouTube and embed it on your blog.]


2. What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast? I used voice changes to modify my voice.

3. How could you use a project like this in other classes? It could help me to give information. If my teacher wants me to document something, a podcast would be beneficial. and perhaps it would be more useful to show that I myself understand what the work is, by it being my voice explaining concepts.

4. In the “real world,” how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)? Podcasts help to promote. I used to listen to podcasts about the news. It's an enjoyable way to learn. My mom had her company advertized multiple times on a podcast.

5. In this project, what did you get good at doing? I got good at soundtacks. I think I did a good job with my voice and the music and audio clips. putting them together I think it all sounded smooth.

6. What was the most difficult part of the assignment? The most difficult part was citing the pictures. It took a long time and I disliked it a LOT.

7. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?

[...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc., Howdid you transform the music, information, images, etc.? I changed the audio volume for every sound clip or song I used. I changed the contrast in all the pictures. I made everything more visually or audibly appealing.

8. Would you do a project like this on your own? I have tried before to do podcasts. I love creating songs. I enjoy recording monologues, so garageband would be perfect for that.

9. If you were going to make any changes/improvements on your podcast what would it/they be? ...and why? I would have recorded my voice all at once so I didn't have issues with the volume being too loud or too quiet.

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